Founded in 2017 by a US Army veteran, Ogie Outdoors is an outdoors innovation company that believes we can help change the outdoors industry.
Ogie Outdoors started with its invention of the Ogie Mask; a mask designed to allow a hunter's ears full hearing ability. Exposing a hunter's ears entirely allows hunters to use all their senses, giving them a large advantage in the hunt. Ogie Outdoors soon realized though, they were more than a mask company.
Ogie Outdoors is a brand designed to bring everyone and everything outdoors together. If you enjoy hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, or just sitting enjoying a quiet evening outside; we are with you. We strive to represent the people that love the outdoors, and the beauty of everything outdoors.

"To provide people with products and services that help them to fulfill all of their outdoor dreams"

1955 - 2016
Everyone has that one person, or one moment that inspired their love for the outdoors. For myself, my biggest influence was my dad. My dad loved the outdoors. He always found time to take me camping and fishing, and it never mattered about the catch, we cherished those moments. He taught me to always respect the outdoors and stay humble. It was never about the size of the trophy, but rather the moments you spend doing what you love with the people you love. He lived his life as the perfect example of what being an outdoorsman is really about; humility, respect, love, and a genuine caring for everything outdoors.
“I can only hope to be half the man my father was, and through my life and Ogie Outdoors I hope the message he taught me can live on”
- Joseph Urban III -